XVI World Congress of Comparative Education Societies
22 August, 2022 Monday
26 August, 2022 Friday
1.Globalization and Localization
Studies that examine why certain educational practices, discourses, or policies “travel” around the globe and analyze how they are received and translated differently in each local context have attracted great attention in recent years. Some scholars investigate the impact of global education policy on equality and social justice, and others are more concerned with the impact of globalization on local cultures, languages, or traditions. Both positive as well as negative consequences of globalization will be discussed. Thematic Group I invites empirical studies as well as contributions that present suitable theories and/or methodologies for the study of globalization and localization processes in education. If you're looking for assistance in exploring these complex themes through the art of written expression, our poetry writing service can provide you with eloquent verses that delve into the intricate nuances of globalization and its effects on education.
International Convenor: Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Columbia University |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: TENG Jun, Beijing Normal University |
Email:[email protected] |
2.Quantity and Quality
Enrolment rates have risen dramatically around the world since the last century at all levels of education. However, this impressive quantitative increase in access to schooling has not always been matched by a commensurate rise in the provision of good quality education. Indeed, the tradeoff between enrolment expansion and a decline in education quality has been the focus of considerable research. Moreover, studies of the impact of education on economic growth have moved along a quantitative-qualitative axis. In the past, average years of schooling was considered a major education-based driver of growth rates; in recent years measures of learning (a core aspect of quality) are shown to have strong independent effects on economic growth. And in studies of adults like PIAAC, higher skill proficiencies independently impact key labor market outcomes beyond formal qualifications. In short, quantity and quality in education represent vital dimensions in comparative education research.
This Thematic Group invites papers that address research and/or policy issues pertaining to quantitative or qualitative aspects of education or, possibly, the interrelationship of the two.Quality is understood in a comprehensive, multi-dimensional sense: it includes inputs (eg, teacher training, instructional time, class size, expenditures per pupil), processes (eg, effective pedagogy, didactics, learning styles) and outcomes (eg, diverse learning outcomes, teacher engagement). The conveners encourage papers that consider any form and level of lifelong learning: from early childhood education through basic education to adult education, formal or non-formal, and public or private.
Among the many topics that might be considered for submission to this Thematic Group:
—Which countries (or political entities) have succeeded in ensuring both quantity and quality in education, and why?
—How have understandings of the concepts of quantity and quality in education evolved over time?
—To what extent is the quantitative transition from elite to mass education more significant for local, national and global development than improvements in the provision of quality education?
—In what ways does the unequal distribution of education in countries affect the quality of inputs and outcomes in education?
—Which policies are more effective in addressing challenges in access in contrast to challenges related to quality in education?
—In what ways do countries project authority and power in a knowledge-based world economy based on quantitative or qualitative achievements in education?
International Convenor 1: Aaron Benavot, UNESCO |
Email:[email protected] |
International Convenor 2: Charles Wolhuter, Northwest University |
Email:[email protected] |
Local Convenor: YU Kai,Beijing Normal University |
Email: [email protected] |
3.Marketization and Public Good
Influenced by theories such as neo-liberalism and new public management (NPM), education systems worldwide have increasingly adopted the values, principles and approaches of the market to guide their policy formulation and management since the1980s.What are the consequences of this paradigm shift in approach to the development of education?What strategies should each education system adopt to mitigate the ill-effects of marketisation and at the same time reap the benefits of such a process?How caneducation as public good be redefined? These problems are so important that critical and in-depth research evidence-based discussions are required.This thematic group calls for papers focusing on educational marketization as well as problems that have followed, especially in relation to the public good nature of education.
International Convenor: Jandhyala B G Tilak, National University of Educational Planning and Administration |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: SHI Xiaoguang, Peking University |
Email: [email protected] |
4.Scientism and Humanism
The rapid development of science and technology has brought revolutionary progress of education.Without any doubt, technological innovations and scientific discoveries have offered new and enhanced possibilities for learning and research capabilities and output. However, a critical look at the difference between, for instance, technology as a tool for education and the content areas of education in terms of science and technology in relation to other disciplinary areas leads to fundamental questions, such as the nature and finality of education, the knowledge acquired and produced, and the model of society education is expected to contribute to constructing and for whose actual well-being. The fast-paced society driven by assumptions that derive from indiscriminating roles ascribed to science and technology constitutes an actual and potential threat to the spirit of humanityin education and has become a source of legitimate concern. The development of comparative education research also reflects the tension between scientism and humanism.
Thus, the aim of this thematic group is to bring out the discussion related to the current trends of comparative education research in this regard. It is hoped that the possibility of a reconciliation between the two will be explored in this congress.
International Convenor 1: Oleg Gubin, Mosco State University |
Email: [email protected] |
International Convenor 2: N’Dri Thérèse Assié Lumumba, Cornell University |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: Dorothy Chen, Chi Nan University |
Email: [email protected] |
5.Modernity and Tradition
Tradition at least partially defines who we are, and how we think and do. It is a base for contemporary development. Meanwhile, modern society also brings in innovative philosophies and modelsof practice to enrich the world of education.Recently a growing body of scholarly opinion has redefined the relationship between “modern” and “traditional,” and rejects the implication that they are dichotomous, mutually antithetical conditions. The past and modernity may not confront each other as impenetrable wholes. When traditions in education meet modernization, what should we choose for a better future?How can we carry forward and transform our educational traditions to contribute to education modernization? Heated debates and discussions are expected in this group.
International Convenor: Dominique Groux, the University of the French West Indies and Guiana |
Email:[email protected] |
Local Convenor: YANG Rui, the University of Hong Kong |
Email: [email protected] |
6.Diversity and Standardization
Under the impacts of modernization and globalization, especially forms of international assessment, evaluation and ranking of education, the standardization of education seems to be an inevitable trend throughout the world. Diversity, however, does make education experiences in different countries live, interesting, valuable, and exchangeable. This thematic group calls for papers discussing both the desirability and possibility of educational standardization and especially its impact on diversity.What will this mean for quality and equality? How can diversity be maintained when standards are applied in cultures with great variations?How can standardization be achieved if countries are diverse and at different stages of development?
The aim of this thematic group is to bring out the complexities and dangers as well as advantages involved in the current trend of international assessments and ranking of education in different institutions and countries.
International Convenor: Ratna Ghosh, McGill University |
Email:[email protected] |
Local Convenor: PENG Zhengmei, East China Normal University |
Email: [email protected] |
7.Equity and Efficiency
Educational development has accelerated over the last three decades and has been influenced by economic development, changing demography, social evolution, and political will. Transformations have taken place at many different levels that include pre-school and early childhood development, primary and secondary schooling, further and higher education, and adult education and non-formal programmes. Cultural insights have deepened and understanding of the natural world through science and technology has reshaped the potential and identities of people. Knowledge and skills acquired through education lie at the heart of development. They create capabilities, redistribute opportunities, enhance livelihoods and well-being, and determine the roles education plays in education for sustainable development, a priority recently endorsed by most member states of the U. N.
Two critical issues face educational development. These are located in the dialectic that gives meaning to education for sustainable development. Equitable development is essential for social cohesion, rights to education, balanced development, and realising the potential of all learners. Efficient use of resources is necessary for education systems that reach all citizens, make best use of scarce resources, offer reasoned trade-offs between alternative investments, and are financed from domestic resources.
This thematic group invites papers with clear questions and propositions related but not limited to:
—Inequalities of access, process, outcomes to different levels of education.
—Horizontal equity (between groups) and vertical equity (within groups).
—Social mobility and intergenerational transmission of social status and educational achievement.
—Education and transition to labour market inequalities and inefficiencies related to assessment, educational qualifications and selection methods.
—Changing patterns of gendered inequality including differences in attainment and achievement and choices between boys and girls.
—Inequalities associated with household income, social group, gender, age, citizenship status, ethnicity, location, disability status and other dimensions of exclusion.
—Equity and efficiency in relation to transitions between educational levels.
—More and less efficient pedagogies linked to measurable learning gains.
—Comparisons of efficiency, effectiveness and equity of public and private providers.
—Efficient and effective strategies for teacher education, deployment and development.
—Trade-offs between equity and efficiency and the effects of Rawlesian equity on efficiency.
—Historical perspectives on equity and efficiency which make systematic comparisons within or between countries
Paper authors are encouraged to link papers to education for sustainable development, use empirical evidence and theory to reach conclusions, and apply findings to real situations.
International Convenor 1: Keith Lewin, University of Sussex |
Email:[email protected] |
International Convenor 2: Juan Carlos Hernández Beltrán, the University of Salamanca |
Email:[email protected] |
Local Convenor: RAO Congman, Northeast Normal University |
Email: [email protected] |
8.Centralization and Decentralization
This thematic group invites paper submissions that examine the governance reform agenda and the changing role of the State in education policy and practice. Globally this agenda encompasses a range of strategies to improve the delivery of education services, which include the decentralization of education authority from central level to sub-national bodies. These policies imply that the State should be away from direct provision and focus on planning and evaluation. Through quality assurance and evaluation mechanisms, the State can decide whether providers (schools, universities) reach the minimum standards.
Since the early 1980s there have been widespread debates about the most appropriate levels for decision-making in education systems. Global and regional policy bodies have tended to be strong advocates of decentralization and many governments have sought to introduce measures which would reduce the numbers of decisions taken at the central level and increase those taken at the level of the school. By instituting such policies, the State creates a situation in which it removes itself from the direct management of schools. Community-level decentralization policies assume that participation occurs through communities acting as management and accountability mechanisms.
The main arguments for this have been to increase efficiency through reducing bureaucracy, increase responsiveness to local communities, and allow more creative management of local resources. As a result, public policies have become more local (at the risk of being perceived as more uncertain and less reassuring). Decentralization policies confine participation to the school’s governing council or –indirectly– through the social pressure applied.
The contra-argument to make is that decentralized systems providing schools with substantial autonomy in curriculum matters are likely to yield greater inequality in social engagement than centralized systems. This inequality may well not only concern greater differences between schools but also greater differences between social and ethnic groups if the school system is socially and ethnically segregated. A national regulatory framework would help prevent school autonomy from showing its divisive effects.
The debates around decentralization-centralization as reform strategies have struck a chord on both the right and the left of the political spectrum. How to deal with the relationship between centralization and decentralization has become a key issue in educational governance reform in all countries and regions. This group collects papers discussing questions concerning power distribution and governance from an international and comparative perspective. Papers are welcome from a variety of theoretical and methodological comparative perspectives and educational levels.
International Convenor 1: Hans-Georg Kotthoff, University of Education Freiburg |
Email:[email protected] |
International Convenor 2: Guillermo Ruiz, University of Buenos Aires |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: ZHANG Minxuan,Shanghai Normal University |
Email: [email protected] |
9.Autonomy and Accountability
In most universities around the world, autonomy is seen basically in three dimensions:a) freedom for appointing their authorities, b) freedom for developing education and research programs, and c) freedom to administer theirresources.Nowadays universities are facing more pressure on these dimensions, since they are asked to be more accountable to their societies.Today's accountability systems are characterised by five aligned elements: peformace expectations, measurements, capacity building, consequences and public engagement.
The globalization of economies has driven the production sectors to look for more relevant knowledge but also has driven young people to look for more education which lead to expansion of expenditure and the size of universities, including the number of faculty and students. All these occur within a context of financial constraints and a serious downsizing of governmental structures. To cope with new demands universities have to make thoughtful and transparent decisions that are now taken by collegiate bodies and professional administrating staffs, when before they were taken by individual authorities.
In this scenario, pressures for accountability may reduce the spaces and dimensions of autonomy and even jeopardize the core mission of the institutions. We welcome papers exploring different manifestations of the dialectics in the relations between autonomy and accountability.The issues to explore might be about the pressures of performance goals and indices and their influences on different types of higher education institutions, the change of the mechanism of external evaluation and assessment, the voting or appointment of university authorities, the selection and acceptance of applicants, the use of numerous clauses for certain educational and research programs, compensatory programs and actions, the privilege of applied versus basic research, the development of new educational programs and research, alternative financial sources and their influence on academic missions, and the influences of accountability measures on university governance and management. These are some examples of topics to be presented.
International Convenor 1: Hitoshi Sugimoto, Kyoto University |
Email:[email protected] |
International Convenor 2: Marco Aurelio Navarro Leal, the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: WANG Xiaoyang, Tsinghua University |
Email: [email protected] |
10. Elite and Mass Education
The purpose of this thematic group is to provide a platform for scholars working in the areas of mass education and what we call here elite education. These two elements are in tension; however, binding them is the developmentof new initiatives around the world, both inside and outside of formal governments, to provide increased and improved levels of education to the communities in which they find themselves.
Some of these initiatives, those that fall under the umbrella of mass education, have evolved from a commitment to universal education, that is, the provision of education to all young people and especially previously excluded social groups, women, the poor, racially discriminated groups and so on. Where we are around the world in terms of our commitment to universal education is annually reviewed through the Global Monitoring Report and its analysis of how well nations are meeting their commitments with respect to the millennium development goals. But there are also new ways of providing massive education mainly through the use of ICT.
Other initiatives, those that can be defined as elite education, are taking shape through the emergence of new forms of schooling and education in response to the perceived failure of mass education or to assure schooling cycles for different social groups. Prominent amongst these is the privatization of education movement and particularly its low-cost variants in countries such as India and the rapid development of educational franchises across the globe, mostly at the school level but now also through large multinational companies. This development has seen at both K-12 and higher education levels the establishment of new and sometimes innovative institutions with as yet unclear impacts on the quality of learning outcomes.
This thematic group is inviting scholars who have given attention to one or both of these elements. Questions of interest are the impact of both kinds of interventions, the tensions and contradictions produced both inside of each and between them; the new learnings that are emerging from the new forms of educational provision; and the significance of these interventions for policy development in the arena of school reform at K12 and higher education, especially regarding issues of equity and quality in education.
International Convenor 1: Crain Soudien, the University of Cape Town |
Email:[email protected] |
International Convenor 2: Felicitas Acosta, National University of General Sarmiento |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: KE Sen, South China Normal University |
Email: [email protected] |
11. Teacher-centered and Student-centered Learning
Traditionally, teachers play a dominant role in class. Nowadays, student-centered learning approaches, such as inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and discovery learning are emerging as learning science has had impacts on pedagogy in the classroom and Information and Communication Technology(ICT) has widely been applied in learning. It is worthwhile exploring the roles of and relationships between teachers and students in the intellectual development of students.
International Convenor: Sui Lin Goei, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: ZHU Xudong,Beijing Normal University |
Email: [email protected] |
12. Feminism and Masculism in Education
Many researchers, scholars, and policy-makers appeal for women’s educational rights in the man-centered world, while others argue that it is men who are facing discrimination and unjust treatment in education.
Feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. One of the most important aspects is seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women. Masculism may variously refer to advocacy of the rights or needs of men; the adherence to or promotion of opinions, values, attitudes, etc. regarded as typical of men. Alternatively, masculism may refer to an approach that is focused on male superiority to the exclusion of women. Many masculists suggest the abolition of co-educational schooling, believing that single-sex schools are preferred for the well-being of boys, etc.
This thematic group will provide a platform to allow in-depth discussion on these seemingly contradictory topics about men and women in education from the perspective of comparative education.
International Convenor: Chanita Rukspollmuang, Siam University |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: HUO Liyan, Beijing Normal University |
Email: [email protected] |
13. Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
This thematic group focuses on teaching and learning dynamics outside the formal school system. It includes studies on historical and current developments as well as prospective analyses. Reflections from those who educate outside schools are expected. The group aims at revealing different voices that the formal education system does not always pay attention to, especially the voices of adult learners and educators in non-formal and informal education systems.
Among possible topics for this thematic group are adult education policies and practices, globalization and adult education, adult education provision in urban and rural areas, the current state of the Education for All initiative, literacy and adult basic education programs, social pedagogy, labor education, workplace learning, migration and education, social movement learning, adult citizenship education, community education, online learning, university extension, peace education, environmental education, the role of adult education in social reproduction and social change, gender, class and race dynamics in adult education, and lifelong education approaches.
International Convenor: Daniel Schugurensky, Arizona State University |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: GAO Yimin, Beijing Normal University |
Email: [email protected] |
14. Theories and Methodology of Comparative Education
The rapid development of Globalization, internationalization and information technology has both thrust comparative education to the fore, while highlighting something of an identity crisis. With the rise of network theory, cartographic methodologies, the multiplication of post-structural theories, the rise of globalization and regionalism, and ongoing debates as to whether globalization equates to westernization, debates about theories and methodologies for comparative education are now arguably more fractured than before. When so many non-specialists are doing international research, what’s the distinctive role of comparative education in education and social development? Beijing presents a unique forum to discuss such issues and the role of theory and method in the field, including contemporary debates regarding Asia as Method.
International Convenor: Anthony Welch, the University of Sydney |
Email: [email protected] |
Local Convenor: CHEN Shijian, Southwest University |
Email: [email protected] |